ATS — 伯明翰,艾尔。 Location
呼叫 1-888-287-5227 for Questions, Quotes, and Scheduling!
Since our founding in 1967, Applied Technical 服务 (ATS) has become one of the leading NDT companies in North America. 我们的伯明翰, AL branch office specializes in Non-destructive 测试 in 纸浆及造纸, 化工厂, 建筑工地, Refineries and the Utilities Industry.
Boiler Inspection 服务
快, cost effective boiler surveys are performed by highly trained, experienced personnel using state of the art ultrasonic data loggers. Liquid penetrant inspection of composite tube material is performed to identify damaged areas, while non-ferrous coating surveys determine the overall thickness of the composite material. On-site computerized reporting is provided to give you quick, accurate results. Data analysis, trending and forecasting is also available.

On-site services include 射线照相法, magnetic particle, copper sulfate and 视觉检查s. 另外, we can offer 数字放射显影术 services which eliminate typical “shoot windows” and allow all contractors to remain working while 射线照相法 ensues. This provides “near” instant results, enhanced productivity and greatly reduced outage time.

Paper Machine 检查
ATS uses fully automated thickness crawlers capable of on-line velocity adjustments to compensate for changes in acoustical properties inherent in the casting process. This allows for an accurate thickness scan across the full length of a dryer can.
内部 视觉检查 of paper machine dryers is one of the most efficient and effective methods of inspection. During a visual inspection, the condition of internal components along with areas of shell thinning and grooving can be determined.
Magnetic particle inspection of the heads and journals of paper machine dryers, along with ultrasonic soundness inspection of the bolts is performed to find minor defects before they become major problems.
我们的伯明翰 office has inspectors trained and certified to perform the following types of visual weld inspections:
数字放射显影术 服务
Among the newest services provided to various 行业, 数字放射显影术 eliminates typical film and the associated handling and storage needs of film. No on-site chemicals are required, the restricted entry zone is virtually eliminated in many cases, the results are available in minutes rather than hours and the results can be viewed on any standard computer and e-mailed anywhere for additional opinions of resulting weld conditions. Meeting all current codes, this methodology provides enhanced results in a faster, easy to handle format and can be conducted with a number of radiographic and X-ray isotopes to meet individual needs.
List of 服务: 伯明翰,艾尔。 Location


